We define methodological standards
The research focus of DAM is methodological distinctly. We use our instrumentation infrastructure in an innovative way. We focus on not only the standard procedures of new methods, whose potential is not yet fully utilised in the Czech Republic. We effort also on further development of these methods, hardware and software for a wider and more flexible application and a more efficient exploitation of scientific data. We generate methodological standards. DAM is the Czech leader in methodological innovations within the discipline, it directly contributed to implementation of many methods in archaeological research practice in the Czech Republic, e.g. the use of GPR, RTK-GPS system, 3D field documentation by photogrammetric methods and 3D analyses (morphometry, ballistics), the use of XRF spectrometry for provenance analyses, microscopy in a wide spectrum of materials and uses.
Our knowledge and experiences are used by public and administrative bodies, we provide for assessments and large-scale survey during planning of strategic transportation and industrial infrastructures for enterprises and public organisations and certified methodologies of cultural heritage care for the National Institute for the Protection and Conservation of Monuments and Sites.
We are focused on modern methodological processes, individual practice in the equipment operation and sampling in education too. Our absolvents spread rapidly new methods to the common archaeological practice, which become to be standard even in the rescue archaeological research.

DAM confirmed its position of a methodological leader of the discipline by starting a series of conferences Computer Support in Archaeology in 2002. DAM is organiser and co-organiser of the annual international conference Archaeologia Historica (since 2007), the Annual International Workshop on Medieval and Modern Pottery (since 2010), international workshops on specific problems of deserted and existing rural settlements (Vesnický workshop 2013, Wesnický werkstatt 2016). In 2016, DAM in cooperation with University of Vienna organised the first international conference focused on the topic of early medieval burial grounds in Central Europe, which has taken place in Bernhardsthal, Lower Austria. The UNESCO Chair of Museology and World Heritage, which is part of DAM, organised the conference Open Round Table of Museology: Theoretical foundation of museology for practical implementation in modern museum work; and international conference Muzeo50.
DAM organises courses of lectures by foreign experts on innovative research methods since 2009 until today, first as European Methodological Studies for Archaeologists (EMSA), since 2012 as Archaeology Colloquia, which are attended by many experts from other archaeological institutions. From 2009 to 2012, thanks to support by the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness, DAM sent within EMSA 19 doctoral students to internships in the most prestigious institutions in Europe. Most of them made good use of the internship in their professional growth and joined the research teams of DAM, or teams of significant Czech and foreign research institutions.