Archaeology Colloquia
The Archaeological Colloquia series is a continuation of the European Methodological Studies in Archaeology, organised between 2009 and 2012 with the support of the project Education in Modern Methods of Archaeological Practice (ARME). In the framework of EMSA, 36 international specialists in innovative methodologies in archaeology lectured at the IAM.
The lectures are intended for the general archaeological public. PhD students attend these lectures as part of the Special Lecture I, II courses (completing a series of these lectures earns credit - at least four of the lectures listed below must be completed to receive credit). Undergraduate and graduate students are required to take lectures in the courses listed in the semester.
Autumn 2024
The lectures will take place in classroom M21 (Joštova 21) at 5:30 p.m. For those who are interested (and for IAM students who do not need ECTS), the lectures will be streamed.
- Michaela Schauer (VIAS Vídeň) Losing your mind over a pot clay - La Hoguette: the pottery that refuses to behave (19.2.)
- Caroline Hamon (CNRS Paříž) For an anthropological approach of neolithic ground stone tools (26.2.)
- Petra Goláňová (ÚAM Brno) Časně laténské období ve střední Evropě (5.3.)
- Veronika Verešová (Ústav orientalistiky SAV, Bratislava) Tell el-Retábí – život a smrť na hranici staroegyptskej ríše (2.4.)
- Carina Damm (University of Silesia, Katowice) Feeding resilience: Viking-Age foodscapes and the politics of adaptation in fourteenth-century Iceland (9.4.)
- Andrew Lamb (The University of Edinburgh/UHK) Iron Age mortuary practices in Ireland and Britain: new discoveries to challenge old ideas? (16.4.)
- Antony Harding (University of Exeter) From Mycenae to Stonehenge: cross-continent connections in the European Bronze Age (7.5.)
- Peter Heather (King’s College London) (14.5.)
Previous semesters
Autumn 2024
The lectures will take place in classroom M21 (Joštova 21) at 5:30 p.m. For those who are interested (and for IAM students who do not need ECTS), the lectures will be streamed.
- Colin Haselgrove (Leicester University) An oppidum on the edge of Empire? The archaeology of the early Roman Iron Age complex at Stanwick (GB) in a European context (2.10.)
- Jakub Godiš (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre) Aktuálny stav a perspektívy výskumu strednej doby bronzovej v Podunajskej nížine (16.10.2024)
- Guido Alberto Gnecchi Ruscone (Max Planck Institut) The “Huns”: on the trails of trans-Eurasian genomic connections with the “Xiongnu” (6.11.)
- László Ferenczi (Univerzita Karlova) Monastic manors and the landscape impact of Cistercian estate management: a landscape archaeological and historicalecological study on Plasy abbey (13.11.)
- Alan Outram (University of Exeter): The Role of Botai in the Multi-Location, Multi-Phase Process of Horse Domestication (11. 12.)
- Zbigniew Robak (ÚAM): Na ceste k novej chronológii. Veľkomoravské hradiska na Slovensku a ich zázemie – datovanie a funkcia vybraných lokalít (18. 12.)
Spring 2024
The lectures will take place in classroom M21 (Joštova 21) at 5:30 p.m. For those who are interested (and for IAM students who do not need ECTS), the lectures will be streamed.
- Václav Hrnčíř (Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) Srovnávací etnologie a její využití pro studium minulosti (21.2.2024)
- Sam Turner (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University) Understanding the age of earth features in Europe and the Mediterranean with optically-stimulated luminescence profiling and dating (OSL-PD) (28. 2. 2024).
- Mario Gavranović (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut ÖAW) Bronze Age Metallurgy in the western and central Balkans – metal supply and alloying practices (13.3.2024)
- Louise Gomart (French Centre for Scientific Research) From ceramic production systems to the trajectories and interactions of the first famers: new perspectives on the social dynamics of the European Neolithization (3.4.2024)
- Eneko Hiriart (CNRS - Archéosciences Bordeaux): The origins of coinage in Celtic Europe (10.4.2024)
- Peter Bisták (Pamiatkový úrad SR): Letecké laserové skenovanie a najnovšie výsledky archeologického výskumu v zalesnenej krajine v pohorí Tribeč (15. 5.2024)
Autumn 2023
- Stefan Wirth (Université de Bourgogne): Bronze Age Iconography (4.10. 2023)
- Claudio Cavazzuti (Università di Bologna): Mobility and meaningful life histories in the European Bronze Age: case studies from the Po and Danube plains (25.10. 2023)
- Martin Bartelheim (Universität Tübingen): Nový výzkum doby měděné a bronzové v jižním Španělsku - Sídelní komplex Mesa Redonda v údolí Guadalquiviru (1. 11. 2023)
- Ladislav Stančo (Univerzita Karlova, ÚKAR): Iskandartepa: výzkumy pozdně helénistického sídliště a pohřebiště na pomezí Baktrie a Sogdu (8.11. 2023)
- Ivan Vajsov (National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Archeologický komplex Durankulak (Bulharsko) (29.11. 2023)
- Birgit Bühler (Universität Wien) Life on Horseback? Status, gender and the prevalence of the "horse riding syndrome" in an Avar-period population (7th-8th century AD) from Wien11-Csokorgasse (7. 12. 2023)
- Sebastian Schultrich (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): Witness to a changing World: The Late Neolithic Battle Axe (13.12. 2023)
Spring 2023
- Reinhard Jung (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut ÖAW): From Krkonoše to the Argive Plain in the Bronze Age? (15. 2. 2023)
- Martijn A. Wijnhoven (Archeologický ústav AV ČR Brno): European mail armour. Ringed battle shirts from the Iron Age, Roman period, and the early Middle Ages (8. 3. 2023)
- Andrey Aladzhov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sophia): Pliska - from the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire to a Byzantine provincial centre (22. 3. 2023)
- Michal Ernée (Archeologický ústav AV ČR Praha): Archeogenetika a prehistorie střední Evropy aneb od kontinentálních migrací k sociální struktuře pravěkých komunit. (12. 4. 2023)
- Daniel Tejerina (University of Alicante): Virtual reconstructions in archaeology. Experiences from the University of Alicante 26. 4. 2023)
- Joëlle Rolland (CNRS, Labex Dynamite/University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): Show true colours: Glass ornaments as mirrors of Celtic societies and identities (3. 5. 2023)
- Laura Dietrich (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut ÖAW): Beer, stew, flour, paste and the discovery of taste: grinding stones as proxy of the Neolithisation (17. 5. 2023)
Autumn 2022
The lectures will take place in classroom M21 (Joštova 21) at 5:30 p.m. For those who are interested (and for IAM students who do not need ECTS), the lectures will be streamed (
- Kévin Salesse (Masarykova univerzita, Ústav antropologie): Off the beaten track: a migration biography of an African-born individual discovered in Rome's catacombs (21. 9. 2022)
- Klára Šabatová (Masarykova univerzita, ÚAM): Projevy hospodářských změn ve střední době bronzové (12. 10. 2022)
- Barbara Horejs (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien): Long and short revolutions in the Neolithisation process between West Asia and the Balkans (9. 11. 2022)
- Peter Barta (Múzeum mesta Bratislavy): Ako nedatovať zle. Koncepcia archeologickej argumentácie s 14C dátami (16.11.2022)
- Aurel Rustoiu (Institutul de Arheologie și Istoria Artei, Cluj-Napoca): From “Scythians” to “Celts” and “Dacians”. The main cultural and chronological horizons of Iron Age Transylvania (7th – 1st centuries BC) (23.11.2022)
- Orsolya Mateovics-László (Hungarian National Museum, Budapest) „More than just bones” - Understanding past human behaviour through the study of human remains (30.11.)
- Volker Hilberg (Museum für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf): The year 1066 – Archaeological perspectives of a transition period (Spring 2023)
Spring 2022
- Ivana Kvetánová (Mestský úrad ochrany pamiatok v Bratislave): Katarínka alebo Kláštor sv. Kataríny Alexandrijskej pri Dechticiach. Medzi dobrovoľníctvom a vedou (23. 2. 2022)
- Lukas Waltenberger (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien): Cremated remains - More than ash: Preliminary results on the late bronze age burial site Franzhausen-Kokoron (2. 3. 2022)
- Cornelius Meyer (Cornelius Meyer Prospection, Berlin): Turbulent prehistory visible in geophysical data (9. 3. 2022)
- Peter Pavúk (Ústav pro klasickou archeologii, Univerzita Karlova): Západná Anatólia neskorej doby bronzovej na ceste k protoštátom (16. 3. 2022)
- Christophe Snoeck (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Mobility and Landscape use in Europe – An isotopic approach (23. 3. 2022)
- Andrea Fochesato (Centre archéologique européen, Bibracte): Wooden architecture in Celtic oppida: example of Bibracte (6. 4. 2022)
- Larysa Vynogrodska (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv): From the origins of Ukraine and the Cossacks to the Zaporozhian Sich (13. 4. 2022).
- Barbara Horejs (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien): Long and short revolutions in the Neolithisation process between West Asia and the Balkans (canceled)
- Anthony Harding (University of Exeter): The grave at Whitehorse Hill and tin in Bronze Age Europe (27. 4. 2022)
- Rozhen Kamal Mohammed-Amin (Sulaimani Polytechnic University): Re-Imagining Cultural Heritage with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies (4. 5. 2022).
- Frans Theuws (Leiden University): River-based exchange systems and the early medieval economy of north-western Europe (11. 5. 2022)
Autumn 2021
- PhDr. Rudolf Procházka (ARÚB, ÚAM FF MU): Centra moci 10. a 11. století v Českých zemích a otázka formování centrálních míst v raném středověku (22. 9. 2021)
- Gadea Cabanillas de la Torre (Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire/UMR6566 - Rennes): Celtic arts: visual cultures and society in Western Europe, 5th-2nd c. BC (6.10.2021)
- Dr. Ákos Petõ (Szent István University, HU): Application of phytolith analysis in archaeobotanical and geoarchaeological studies: Introduction, methods and case studies (13.10.2021)
- Margaux Depaermentier (Basel University): Modelling a scale-based isotope baseline to trace mobility patterns in Neolithic Hungary (20.10.2021 – start at 5 p.m)
- Holly Wright (University of York): Archaeological data and the digital dark age: strategies for management, preservation and re-use (3.11. 2021 – on-line)
- Penny Bickle (University of York): Conceptualising Neolithic gender: the sexual division of labour amongst early farmers (1.12. 2021 - online, MS Teams code: wdva8e8)
- Guillaume Reich (Université de Franche-Comté): The iron of war : contribution of the use-wear analysis of Celtic weapons from the La Tène site (8.12. 2021 - online, MS Teams code: wdva8e8)
Spring 2021
- Leslie Quade, MSc (Masaryk University; Durham University): Desperately Seeking Stress: Stress, Health and Cortisol in Late Antiquity (17. 3. 2021)
- Dr. Julia Katharina Koch (Hessen Archäologie/Keltenwelt Glauberg): Singen revisited: gender-related mobility patterns in early Bronze Age Central Europe (24. 3. 2021).
- prof. Anthony King (University of Winchester): Sacred Flocks and Herds? The implications of animal sacrifice at Romano-Celtic temples (31. 3. 2021)
- Dr. rer. nat. Zuzana Hofmanová (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Current Approaches in Archaeogenetics: Case Studies through Ages from the Bronze Age Tollense Battlefield to Elongated Skulls of ca 500 AD Bavaria (7. 4. 2021)
- Dr. William Taylor (University of Colorado Boulder): Understanding early horse domestication and transport through scientific archaeozoology (14. 4. 2021)
- PhDr. Ivo Štefan, Ph.D. (Ústav pro archeologii, FF UK): Nové výzkumy na hradišti v Praze-Vinoři aneb k čemu potřebovali první Přemyslovci tolik center? (21. 4. 2021)
- doc. PhDr. Vladimír Varsik, CSc. (Trnavská univerzita v Trnave): Na severnom brehu Dunaja. Rímske stavby pre germánsku nobilitu (28. 4. 2021)
- Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Geophys. Immo Trinks, Privatdoz. PhD. (Universität Wien, Ludwig Boltzmann Inst. for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology): Extensive high-resolution geophysical archaeological prospection (12. 5. 2021)
- Lect. dr. Silvia Mustață: !cancelled!
- PhDr. Jan Kratochvíl (Univerzita Karlova): Slovanská plátýnková měna a hypotetická organizace směny v Čechách 10. století (19. 5. 2021)
- Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Philip Ronald Nigst (Universität Wien, Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie): CANCELLED!!!
Autumn 2020
- Dr. Michael Kempf: (Masaryk University, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg): From landscape affordances to landscape connectivity: conceptualizing an archaeology of human ecology (14. 10. 2020)
- Dr. Maxime Brami (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Last foragers - first farmers: patterns of interaction from Anatolia to the Danube Gorges (25. 11. 2020)
- Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD. (Archeologický ústav SAV): Veľkomoravské hradisko Bojná - Valy. Výsledky výskumu, hypotézy a interpretácie (2. 12. 2020)
- Dr. Dries Cnuts (Université Liége): Exploring the potential of stone tool residues for reconstructing different aspects of Late Pleistocene behaviour (9. 12. 2020)
- Dr. Volker Hilberg (Landesmuseen Schleswig-Holstein): Farinn vestr - Hedeby and England from the 9th to the 11th centuries AD (16. 12. 2020)
- Dr. Soléne Denis (Masarykova univerzita): Lithic technology to understand the social structure and economic organization of the first farmers: the case of Linear Pottery Culture and Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain of Northern France and Belgium (6. 1. 2020)
- Mgr. Pavlína Kalábková, Ph.D. - Mgr. Ivana Vostrovská, Ph.D. (Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci): Výzkum neolitické studny z Uničova a možnosti rekonstrukce přírodního prostředí počátku moravského neolitu na základě provedených analýz (13. 1. 2020)
Spring 2020
The cycle of lectures has been canceled due to Covid-19 pandemy restrictions.
Autumn 2019
- Dr Florian Téreygeol (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique): Mining center Castel-Minier: ore mining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgies between XIIIth and XVIth Centuries (9. 10. 2019)
- Dr. Penny Bickle (University of York): Lifetimes and lifeways in the central European Neolithic (16. 10. 2019)
- Dr. Joan Pinar Gil (RGZM): Metal deposits, monuments and settlements. Comments on the topography of power in the Western Europe (5th - 8th century) (30. 10. 2019)
- PhDr. Jiří Militký, Ph.D. (Národní museum): Přínos keltské numismatiky pro poznání doby laténské ve střední Evropě (6. 11. 2019 v 16.00 hod)
- Dr. Béatrice Cauuet (CNRS - Laboratoire TRACES UMR 5608): Celtic gold and silver mining in Gaul (6. 11. 2019 v 17.30 hod)
- Dr. Letizia Ceccarelli (Polytecnico Milano): The Roman Kilns Project. New insight on the technology of ceramic production in Central Italy (13. 11. 2019)
- dr hab. Mateusz Jaeger (University in Poznań): Bronze Age Fortified Settlements - the Form and Social significance (20. 11. 2019)
- Dr. Ricardo Fernandes (Max Planck Jena): Proposal of a complex systems approach for the study of the human past (18. 12. 2019)
Spring 2019
- Dr. Maciej Karwowski: Glass of the ancient Celts from mainland Europe - more than half a century after Th. E. Haevernick (6. 3. 2010)
- Dr. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury (OREA ÖAW): New perspectives on motherhood in later European prehistory (20.3.2019)
- prof. Reinhard Bernbeck (Freie Universität Berlin): Near Eastern Archaeology, Prisoners of War and German Jihad. Excavations at the 'Halfmoon' Camp at Wünsdorf near Berlin (27.3.2019)
- Dr. Llorenc Alapont (Universidad Europea de Valencia): Investigating the archaeology of death (17. 4. 2019)
- prof. David Hill (Metropolitan State University of Denver): Learning from Objects-Using Methods from Physical Science in Archaeology-with Examples from the Middle East and China (24.4.2019)
- Dr. Judit Barna (Balatoni Múzeum): Current state of research of the Lengyel culture in Transdanubia (15.5.2019)
Autumn 2018
- dr. Zeyad al-Salameen (Al-Hussein Bin Talal University): Rock-cut Architecture in Petra-Jordan (10. 10. 2018)
- prof. Anegret Nippa (Universität Leipzig): The practise of storing food – an ethnological view
- (17. 10. 2018)
- prof. John Collis (University of Sheffield): Integrating linguistics, genetics and archaeology (24. 10. 2018)
- doc. Juraj Pavúk (AÚ SAV): Neolitické kultúry na Balkáne a neolitizácia strednej Európy (31. 10. 2018)
- prof. Eszter Bánffy (DAI Römisch-Germanischen Kommission):
- A key region within the Balkan migration in the 6th and early 5th Millennium cal BC. New research results (12. 11.2018, 18.00 až 20.00 hod.)
- Clayscapes. Pottery in masses? The Neolithic of Europe – a southern perspective (13. 11.2018, od 14.00 do 16.00 hod.)
- dr. Knut Kaiser (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences): Dynamic waterscapes: water and man in central Europe during the late Holocene (14. 11. 2018)
- dr. Athanasios Sideris (Thrace Foundation): Casting New Light. Novelties from the domain of Greek and related metal war (5. 12.2018)
Spring 2018
- Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Ph.D. (National Archive of Monuments, Řecko): Documenting socio-political changes in Pre- and Proto-palatial Petras, Siteia: The house tomb cemetery (21. 3. 2018)
- dr. Marcin Bohr (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): The Early Migration Period in Silesia(11. 4. 2018)
- Dr. Nicolas Minvielle Larousse (Université d'Aix-Marseille, Francie): Age of the Silver: Mines, Society and Power of mediaeval Languedoc (25. 4. 2018)
- prof. Carola Metzner-Nebelsick (Universität München, Německo): A feasting hall of the Late Bronze Age in Lăpuş, northwest Romania, and its cultural context (2. 5. 2018)
- dr. Marcin Maciejewski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polsko): Metal – Boarder – Ritual: Hoards in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Landscape (9. 5. 2018)
- Dr. Eloise Vial (Université de Bourgogne, Francie): Depiction of animals in La Tène art (16. 5. 2018)
- Knut Kaiser (German Research Centre for Geosciences) - Petr Hrubý (ÚAM FF MU): Enviromental Impact of Mediaevel Silver Mining Deforestation in the Middle Ages (15. 8 - 19. 8. 2018).
Summer Student´s Training on Field Sampling of Alluvial and Colluvial Sediments in the Stream Floodplain.
Autumn 2017
- Prof. Fabrice Monna - Dr. Estelle Camizuli (Environmental Geochemistry, Université de Bourgogne - CNRS - Ministère de la Culture): Environmental impact of early mining (26. 9. 2017)
- Prof. Diana Gergova (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia): Investigations and discoveries at “Dausdava-Helis” - the spiritual and political center of the Northern Thracians from 1st millennium BC in the Sboryanovo National Reserve (Bulgaria) (25. 10. 2017)
- Prof. Anthony Harding (University of Exeter): The World of the European Bronze Age: Warriors, Traders, and Emerging Elites (8. 11. 2017)
- Dr. hab. Dariusz Rozmus (Muzeum miejskie „Sztygarka“): Produkce stříbra a olova a jejich distribuce v piastovském Slezsku a Malopolsku od 11/12. do 13. století (22. 11. 2017)
- prof. Dr. Sabine Rieckhoff (Universität Leipzig) - prof. Dr. Manfred Rösch (Universität Heidelberg): Did the Romans occupy the wilderness? Archaeobotanical evidences for population dynamics (29. 11. 2017)
- Mgr. Lukáš Holata, Ph.D. (University of Exeter): Zaniklé osídlení a odezvy lidských komunit na environmentální a společensko-ekonomický stres během pozdního středověku a raného novověku (13. 12. 2017)
Spring 2017
- doc. Michal Hájek – Jan Roleček (PřF MU): Vliv lidských aktivit během holocénu na současnou diverzitu vegetace (15. 3. 2017)
- prof. Martin Bartelheim (Universität Tübingen): Kaleburnu Kraltepesi/Galinoporni Vasili. Research of Late Bronze Age sanctuary in Cyprus (29. 3. 2017)
- prof. Susan Pollock (Freie Universität Berlin): Archaeology of the Contemporary Past: Excavating Sites (12. 4. 2017)
- prof. Martine Joly (Université Toulouse): Questioning Romanization: contribution of the archeology of sanctuaries in East Gaul (19. 4. 2017)
Mgr. David Parma (ÚAPP Brno): Sídelní struktury v době bronzové (24. 5. 2017)
Autumn 2016
- Stephen Merkel M.A. (Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum): From Central Asia to Scandinavia, the Production, Trade, and Recycling of Silver in the Viking Age (5. 10. 2016)
- PhDr. Ondřej Šefčík, Ph.D. (Masarykova univerzita): Indoevropané, lingvistika a hledání pravlasti (26. 10. 2016).
- Füsun Ertuğ, PhD. (Washington University): Basketry as a part of Anatolian Biocultural Heritage (2. 11. 2016)
- Dr. Hajnalka Herold (University of Exeter): Early medieval economy in Europe (AD 400-1100) - an archaeological perspective (mimořádný termín: 14. 11. 2016 ve 14.00 v učebně L11 - Veveří 26/28)
- Dr. Patrik G. Flammer (Oxford): New stories from old worms - Molecular Archaeoparasitology as a novel archaeological tool (23. 11. 2016)
- Francesca Romagnoli, Ph.D. (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social): Investigating Neanderthal technology from a behavioural perspective (30. 11. 2016)
Spring 2016
- Prof. Dr. Anthony Harding (University of Exeter, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich): Salt in ancient Europe: recent research (16. 3. 2016)
- Dr. Jens Schneeweiss (Russian Academy of Sciences): Zwischen Sachsen und Slawen. Die Forschungen des Seminars für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Göttingen zum Frühmittelalter an der unteren Elbe (23. 3. 2016)
- Dr. Martin Schönfelder (RGZM, Meinz) Concepts of mobility and migration in the La Tène period: critical and modern approches (27. 4. 2016). Tato přednáška se uskuteční od 17:00!
- Prof. Dr. Václav Krůta (l'École pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne): Konvice z Brna-Maloměřic: mistrovský obraz keltského vesmíru (4. 5. 2016)
- Mgr. Agata Sztyber (Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie): Historia pewnego wzgórza. Stanowisko archeologiczne Modlnica 5, pow. Kraków od epoki brązu po czasy średniowiecza (11. 5. 2016)
Autumn 2015
- Prof. Josef Bujna (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre): Keltské pohrebiská – možnosti a hranice interpretácie archeologického prameňa (14. 10. 2015)
- Prof. zw. dr. hab. Janusz Czebreszuk (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Ponzaniu)
- Szlaki wymiany bursztynu w Europie Środkowej pomiędzy 2500 i 1500 p. Chr. (14. 10. 2015)
- Drogi docierania bursztynu (sukcynitu) do kultury mykeńskiej (14. 10. 2015)
- Dr. Dmitry Korobov (Institute of Archaeology RAS): Landscape archaeology and early medieval system of habitation in the
Northern Caucasus (21. 10. 2015) - Prof. dr. Annelou van Gijn (Leiden University): A microwear approach towards understanding cross-craft interaction (11. 11. 2015)
- Priv. Doz. Dr. Peter Christoph Ramsl (Austrian Academy of Science): Identities in Archaeology (18.11. 2015)
- Doc. PhDr. Noémi Beljak Pažinová, Ph.D. (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre): Pohreby a pohrebné zvyky lengyelských komunít na území Slovenska (9.12.2015)
Spring 2015
- PhDr. Ivo Štefan, Ph.D. – Mgr. Jan Hasil (Univerzita Karlova): Raně středověké hradiště v Praze-Královicích a jeho archeologické poznávání (18. 3. 2015)
- Dr. hab. Tomasz Bochnak (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski):
- I. Severní cesta "keltských" importů do Polska a "Keltové" v Polsku (15. 4. 2015)
- II. Etnogeneze Slovanů jako nástroj polské politické propagandy (15. 4. 2015)
- Prof. Dr. Nikoloz Tushabramishvili (Ilia State University, Tbilisi): Adaptation of Human Beings toward Climate Changes during the Paleolithic on the Territory of Georgia (22. 4. 2015)
- Dr. Vajk Szeverényi (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest): A Late Bronze Age fortified settlement at Csanádpalota (SE Hungary) and its wider regional context (29. 4. 2015)
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Rieckhoff (Universität Leipzig): Was wissen wir über die Gesellschaft der Oppida? Überlegungen zum Nutzen der
Architektursoziologie in der Oppidaforschung (13. 5. 2015)
Lectures were supported by Erasmus+ Programme and by project “Improvement of Conditions for Excellent Foreign Academics Acting at Masaryk University” in that semester.
Autumn 2014
- Dr. Tomasz Gralak (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
- I. The post Chernyakhov horizont – the beginning of the migration period in Poland (25. 09. 2014)
- II. Tyniec nad Ślęzą – the new discovered cemetery of the migration period in Śląsk region (25. 09. 2014)
- Mag. Dr. phil. Peter Trebsche: Archäologische Ausgrabungen in der bronzezeitlichen Bergbausiedlung Prigglitz-Gasteil (20. 10. 2014)
- ao. Univ-Prof. Dr. Erik Szameit (Universität Wien): Early Slavs in Austria (22. 10. 2014)
- Robert Hoffmann PhD. (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
- I. The tell site Okolište and the Late Neolithic of CentraI Bosnia - architecture, settlement structures, material culture, site formation processes, land use and socio-historical interpretations (5200-4300 BCE) (3. 11. 2014)
- II. Landscape Archaeology in Central Bosnia: An interdisciplinary diachronic view on the history of human settlement, demography and land use in the Dinaric Alps (3. 11. 2014)
- III. Strategies and results of current research on large complex Tisza, Vinča and Tripolje settlements in Serbia and Ukraine (4. 11. 2014)
- Dr. Viktoria Kiss (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest): Recent results of Middle Bronze Age research in western Hungary (8. 12. 2014)
- Dr. Stefan Eichert (Universität Wien): OpenATLAS - a database application for the work with archaeological, historical and spatial data (11. 12. 2014)
Lectures were supported by Erasmus+ Programme and by projects “Improvement of Conditions for Excellent Foreign Academics Acting at Masaryk University” and “By Research to Education – Czech-Austrian archaeological expedition in Austria” in that semester.
Spring 2014
- Dr. Justyna Baron (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Functions and contexts of Bronze Age metal casting moulds from Poland (13. 02. 2014)
- DDr. DI Peter Stadler (Universität Wien): Quantitative Evaluations in Prehistory (10.-14. 3. 2014)
- Ján Rajtár (AÚ AV SR, Nitra, Slovensko): Archeologické doklady markomanských vojen severne od stredného Dunaja (21. 5. 2014)
- Dr. Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowska (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Mammoth hunting? - use-wear studies of shouldered points and backed pieces from Kraków Spadzista B (03. 06. 2014)
- Dr. Beata Miazga (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Non-destructive investigations of archaeological finds (03. 06. 2014)
Lectures were supported by Erasmus+ Programme and by project “Improvement of Conditions for Excellent Foreign Academics Acting at Masaryk University” in that semester.
Autumn 2013
- Dr. Tomasz Gralak (Uniwersytet Wrocławski):
- I. Sposoby organizacji przestrzeni we wczesnej epoce żelaza na Śląsku (24. 09. 2013)
- II. Sztuka i styl we wczesnym okresie rzymskim na Śląsku (25. 09. 2013)
- Dr. Stefan Eichert (Universität Wien):
- I. Experimental Archaeology - between handicrafts and science a Zwischen spätrömischer Staatlichkeit und karolingischer Grundherrschaft (15. 11. 2013)
- II. Eine archäologisch-historische Spurensuche nach sozialen und politischen Strukturen im Ostalpenraum (19. 11. 2013)
- Mgr. Radoslav Čambal, Ph.D. (Archeologické múzeum Slovenského národného múzea, Bratislava): Halštatské a laténské osídlení JZ Slovenska (2. 12. 2013)
Lectures were supported by Erasmus+ Programme and by project “Improvement of Conditions for Excellent Foreign Academics Acting at Masaryk University” in that semester.
Spring 2013
- Maria Theresia Starzmann, Ph.D. (Freie Universität Berlin): The archaeology of colonialism (18.-28. 2. 2013)
- PhDr. Susanne Stegmann-Rajtár, CSc. (AÚ AV SR, Nitra):
- I. Východohalštatský kulturní okruh (23. 4. 2013)
- II. Západohalštatský kulturní okruh (30. 4. 2013)
- Dr. Donat Wehner (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): Von Pilgermuscheln und Sonnenkompassen. Reisen in den slawischen Landen um das Jahr 1000 (7. 5. 2013)
- Dr. Gilles Pierrevelcin (Université de Strasbourg): Bádání o době železné ve Francii (13. 5. 2013)
- Dr. Aleksandra Pankiewicz (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Wrocław – rozwój cetrum politycznego Śląska w X-XI w. (22. 05. 2013)
- Dr. Dagmara Łaciak (Uniwersytet Wrocławski):
- I. Halsztacka ceramika malowana z terenu Polski (22. 05. 2013)
- II. Problematyka ceramiki pochodzącej z okresu halsztackiego i lateńskiego z terenu Polski (23. 05. 2013)
Lectures were supported by Erasmus+ Programme and by project “Improvement of Conditions for Excellent Foreign Academics Acting at Masaryk University” in that semester.
Spring 2012
A series dedicated to innovations in methods of creating interpretive models and simulations.
- prof. K. Kristiansen (University of Göthenburg, Švédsko)
- prof. O. Creighton (University of Exeter, Británie)
- tým dr. P. Verhagen (Universiteit Amsterdam, Nizozemí) a dr. F. Bertoncello (Université Nice, Francie)
- prof. P. Brun (Université Paris, Sorbonne, Francie)
- tým prof. T. Kohler a K. Bocinski (Washington State University, USA)
Autumn 2011
A series dedicated to innovative methods of archaeological data analysis.
- prof. Julian Richards (University of York, Británie)
- Nicolas Mellado (Université de Bordeaux, Francie)
- prof. Massimo Ancona a Dr. Viviana Mascardi z University degli studi di Firenze, Itálie
- Dr. Martin Furholt Kiel (Universität, Německo)
- prof. Juan Barceló (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Španělsko)
Spring 2011
A series devoted to innovations in methods of material culture analysis.
- prof. Ernst Pernicka (Universität Tübingen, Německo)
- Dr. Caroline Hamon (University Paris, Francie)
- prof. Anelou van Gijn (Universiteit Leiden, Nizozemí)
- Dr. Malgorzata Daszkiewicz a Dr. Gerwulf Schneider (Freie Universität Berlin, Německo)
- Dr. Linda Hurcombe (Exeter University, Velká Británie)
Autumn 2010
A series dedicated to innovative dating methods.
- Dr. Richard MacPhail (University College London)
- prof. Christopher Hall (University of Edinbourgh)
- Dr. Daniel Richter (Max Planck Institut Leipzig)
- Dr. Otto Cichocki (University Wien)
- prof. Göran Skog (University of Lund)
- Dr. Michael Grabner (University Wien)
Spring 2010
A series dedicated to innovative methods of excavation.
- prof. Robert Van de Noort (University of Exeter)
- Dr. Rengert Elburg (Landesamt für Archäologie Dresden)
- Dr. Stefano Valentini (University degli studi di Firenze)
- Dr. Shannon McPherron (Max PLanck Institut Leipzig)
- Dr. Karen Milek (University of Aberdeen)
Autumn 2009
A series dedicated to innovative methods of prospecting.
- prof. Michael Doneus (Wien Universität, Rakousko)
- prof. John Bintliff (Leyden Universiteit, Nizozemí)
- prof. Vincent Gaffney (University of Birmingham, Velká Británie)
- Dr. David Cowley (RCAHMS Edinburgh, Velká Británie)
- prof. Wolfgang Neubauer (Wien Universität, Rakousko)