Ph.D. studies

Meetings of phd students allways on Fridays from 9 A.M., room M 21

21. 03. 2025 (Friday at 09,00)

11. 04. 2025 (Friday at 09,00)

16. 05. 2025 (Friday at 09,00)

Doctoral dissertation rules

The doctoral dissertation shall be submitted in three printed hardcover copies, in the form of a manuscript on white paper in A4 format with numbered pages, with a minimum extent of 180,000 characters (including spaces). An obligatory part of the author’s manuscript is the title page containing the name of the university, faculty, department, field of study, title of the dissertation, name of the author, name of the dissertation supervisor, name of the dissertation consultant (optional) and year of submission. Furthermore, the work must include the author’s statement of originality, table of contents and a reference list.

As an alternative to the preferred monographic manuscript, dissertation can also be submitted as a series of convoluted articles under following conditions:

- the convolute is to be composed of at least three articles, which must be published in WoS or Scopus journals;

- at least one article must be published in a WoS IF journal (SCI, SSCI databases), journals from the A&HCI database are not accepted;

- doctoral candidate must be the first author or lead author of all submitted articles;

- dissertation supervisor must highlight those parts of an article, whose exclusive author is the doctoral candidate;

- the other co-authors must agree in writing that the doctoral candidate will use an article as a part of his/her dissertation;

- at the time of defence of the dissertation, all articles must be already printed or accepted for print (written confirmation from the editorial office);

- the convoluted articles must be supplemented by a separate introductory part of the dissertation, including a report on the state of research and a detailed methodological description of the methods used;

- the convolute must end with a separate conclusion, where the achieved results, which were already published in scientific journals, will be set into a wider context of historical or social disciplines;

- all three articles must be written during the doctoral studies at the Department of Archaeology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University and, if already published, they must be available on the IS.MUNI.CZ website (including their transfer to RIV);

- the convolute can be supplemented by other articles, which were written before the beginning of doctoral studies.

doc. Mgr. Petr Hrubý, Ph.D.

Studijní poradce pro doktorské studium

office: bldg. M/121
Joštova 220/13
662 43 Brno

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phone: +420 549 49 4995

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