The UNESCO Chair
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Research infrastructure of DAM is eligible to versatile large-scale rescue research. It is the unique Central European institution, which is able to prevent irreversible losses of valuable heritage data caused by an intensified building development activity, in the condition of factual unenforceability of respect towards the protection of the heritage of humankind. We are able to change and innovate the procedures and the efficiency of archaeological rescue research and heritage research. The building development activity was never so intensive and this boom causes unprecedented liquidation of even whole sites. In the Czech Republic, the principles of heritage protection come into force only very slowly, whereupon many priceless cultural heritage remains vanish in the meantime. The duty of archaeological and heritage protective watching briefs is often circumvented, the legally stipulated archaeological research is abridged by the investors to mere selective recovery of finds. Only a methodologically, personally and instrumentally well-equipped institution is able to solve and turn this critical situation, until the practice is settled to the level of heritage protection to meet the requirements of society. This is possible to achieve by a radical increase in quality, coordination and quickness of research, as well as by offering reliable survey analyses, inclusive of large-scale excavations, to investors still before the beginning of an investment project.
The increase in efficiency of the field component of research, its acceleration thanks to experienced teams equipped for large-scale research, lead to price reduction as well. This aspect is important not only for scientific and research subjects, but for administrative and commercial entities too. Large-scale excavations are an integral part of schedules and financial planning of strategic constructions and infrastructure of the Czech Republic, mainly those concerning transportation, economy or energy.
DAM with support by the Masaryk University (MU) is able to provide for professional trainings and workshops for both research experts and workers in institutions of primary rescue research, and for workers in Building Authorities and representatives of major building investors and developers. By providing reliable survey and analyses, the investors will be able to assess better the economy and time horizons of their investments and society will be enriched with the valuable heritage data rescued.
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Our research results are presented to scientific world by our publication activity and by attendance on international conferences. We prepare exhibitions and open days for public. We systematically educate students in heritage care and interpretation, in effective and friendly methods of data acquisition and in practice of negotiation with building sector for rescue research preparation and providing.
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