Leslie Quade, MSc: Desperately Seeking Stress: Stress, Health and Cortisol in Late Antiquity


Despite centuries of research and public fascination with the Roman Empire and its transition into Medieval kingdoms (Late Antiquity, 300-700 CE), understandings of the lived experience during this period are comparatively limited. As seen in both past and contemporary societies, stress has a significant impact upon health and wellbeing, particularly in the context of changing cultural and socio-political conditions. Health and stress states of skeletons from Late Antique France are discussed, providing new insights into life during Late Antiquity. The complex relationship between stress and health is explored through skeletal stress markers, including a new technique examining cortisol concentrations (indicative of stress) from archaeological dental structures for the first time.


Despite centuries of research and public fascination with the Roman Empire and its transition into Medieval kingdoms (Late Antiquity, 300-700 CE), understandings of the lived experience during this period are comparatively limited. As seen in both past and contemporary societies, stress has a significant impact upon health and wellbeing, particularly in the context of changing cultural and socio-political conditions. Health and stress states of skeletons from Late Antique France are discussed, providing new insights into life during Late Antiquity. The complex relationship between stress and health is explored through skeletal stress markers, including a new technique examining cortisol concentrations (indicative of stress) from archaeological dental structures for the first time.

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